n243= msg $nick You are User number %usernumber $+ ! to join this wonderful channel %joinchan while i have been here on $fulldate this is while i was here since 1:30 a.m!
n245=#join end
n246=#kick disabled
n247=1:ON KICK:%urny: {
n248= inc %kicky
n249= msg $chan $nick was LAmer number %kicky to be kicked from %urny since iput this up. <=⌠SpReY=> 1.0
n251=#kick end
n252=#talk disabled
n253=1:ON TEXT:hi:#:/msg $chan Hi $nick $+ !
n254=1:ON TEXT:hello:#:/msg $chan Hello to you as well $nick $+ !
n255=1:ON TEXT:god:#:/msg $chan HUH! GOD IS HERE? WHERE $nick I DON'T SE GOD!
n256=1:ON TEXT:sup:#:/msg $chan sup wid' you foo?
n257=1:ON TEXT:hey:#:/msg $chan hey $nick wassup?
n258=1:ON TEXT:hmm*:#:/msg $chan Quick! $nick is thinking someone help him!
n259=1:ON TEXT:hehe*:#:/msg $chan hey $nick what's so funny?
n260=1:ON TEXT:*%frenick*:#:/msg $chan Hey! is someone calling me?
n270= if ($parm2 == $null) { msg $chan <=⌠SpReY=> The Mystic 8ball says "say something, im not psychic u know" }
n271= %ball = $rand(1,9)
n272= if (%ball == 1) { msg $chan <=⌠SpReY=> The Mystic 8ball says "Yes" }
n273= if (%ball == 2) { msg $chan <=⌠SpReY=> The Mystic 8ball says "Maby" }
n274= if (%ball == 3) { msg $chan <=⌠SpReY=> The Mystic 8ball says "No" }
n275= if (%ball == 4) { msg $chan <=⌠SpReY=> The Mystic 8ball says "probably Not" }
n276= if (%ball == 5) { msg $chan <=⌠SpReY=> The Mystic 8ball says "Definetly Yes" }
n277= if (%ball == 6) { msg $chan <=⌠SpReY=> The Mystic 8ball says "Definetly No" }
n278= if (%ball == 7) { msg $chan <=⌠SpReY=> The Mystic 8ball says "Try again" }
n279= if (%ball == 7) { msg $chan <=⌠SpReY=> The Mystic 8ball says "I don't know." }
n280= if (%ball == 9) { msg $chan <=⌠SpReY=> The Mystic 8ball says "Damn it Jim, im a bot not an 8ball" }
n282=#ball end
n283=#topic start
n284=1:ON TOPIC:%sst: {
n285= topic $chan %topic
n286= msg $chan <=⌠SpReY=> Topic Protection!
n288=#topic end
n289=#sop start
n290=1:ON SERVEROP:#:/mode # -o $nick
n291=#sop end
n292=#poker disabled
n293=1:ON TEXT:?poker:#: {
n294= msg $chan TYPE $poker to play IRC POKER created by Aeson made <=⌠SpReY=> 1.0 by Aeson and Tiberius
n296=1:ON TEXT:$poker:#: {
n297= auser 2 $nick
n298= notice $nick you can now play poker type $directions
n300=1:ON TEXT:$poker:?: {
n301= auser 2 $nick
n302= msg $nick you can now play poker type $directions
n304=2:ON TEXT:$directions:#:/notice $nick Hi! type $deal to deal the cards type $1cards to get 1 card type $2cards to get 2 cards type $3cards to get 3 cards type $4cards to get 4 cards type $won if you won type $lost if you lost
n305=2:ON TEXT:$directions:?:/msg $nick Hi! type $deal to deal the cards type $1cards to get 1 card type $2cards to get 2 cards type $3cards to get 3 cards type $4cards to get 4 cards type $won if you won type $lost if you lost
n306=2:ON TEXT:$deal:?:/msg $nick your cards are $read c:\osprey\games\cards.txt :> 2poker
n307=2:ON TEXT:$deal:#:/notice $nick your cards are $read c:\osprey\games\cards.txt :> poker
n335=2:d5:/notice $nick if you won you get $read c:\osprey\games\pawn.txt :> d6
n336=2:d6:/notice $nick if you lost you get nothing of course :> d7
n337=2:d7: {
n338= ruser $nick
n339= notice $nick type $poker to play again!!
n341=#poker end
n342=#black disabled
n343=1:ON TEXT:?play:?: {
n344= auser 2 $nick
n345= msg $nick you can now play IRC BLACKJACK type ?directios 4 help on how to play this can be played in a message window or in a channel you choose commands are good in both! type ?quit if you changed your mind . <=⌠SpReY=> 1.0 by Aeson and Tiberius
n347=1:ON TEXT:?play:#: {
n348= auser 2 $nick
n349= notice $nick you can now play irc blackjack type ?directions on how to play type ?quit if u changed your mind
n351=1:ON TEXT:?directions:?:/msg $nick you have to type ?play first in the message window or in a channel
n352=1:ON TEXT:?deal:?:/msg $nick you have to type ?play first either in a channel I am in or in this msg window
n353=1:ON TEXT:?directions:#:/notice $nick you have to type ?play first
n354=1:ON TEXT:?deal:#:/notice $nick you have to type ?play first
n355=2:ON TEXT:?directions:?:/msg $nick this is IRC BLACKJACK created by Aeson and Tiberius its just like regular blackjack you type ?deal and I will give you your cards if you like what you got you type ?stay and it will sjow you my cards if not you can type ?hit and it will give you another card until you have what you want if you bust type ?bust to start over if you win type ?won if you lost type ?lost if its a push type ?push, **IMPORTANT** the dealer cannot hit on his own so you have to type ?dhit so he can hit only do this if he is below 17!! HAVE FUN !!
n356=2:ON TEXT:?directions:#:/notice $nick this is irc blackjack created by Aeson and Tiberius its just like regular balckjack you type ?deal and I will give you your cards if you like what you got you type ?stay and it will show you my cards if not you can type ?hit and it will give you another card until you have what you want if you bust type ?bust to start over if you win type ?won if you lost type ?lost if its a push type ?push, **IMPORTANT** the dealer cannot hit on his own so you have to type ?dhit so he can hit only do this if he is below 17!! HAVE FUN !!
n357=2:ON TEXT:?deal:?:/msg $nick deals $nick a $read c:\osprey\games\blakjack.txt :> rrf
n358=2:ON TEXT:?deal:#:/notice $nick deals $nick a $read c:\osprey\games\blakjack.txt :> rrr
n359=2:rrf:/msg $nick dealer has a $read c:\osprey\games\dealer.txt showing!
n360=2:rrr:/notice $nick dealer has a $read c:\osprey\games\dealer.txt showing!
n361=2:ON TEXT:?hit:?:/msg $nick gives $nick a $read c:\osprey\games\blakhit.txt
n362=2:ON TEXT:?hit:#:/notice $nick gives $nick a $read C:\osprey\games\blakhit.txt
n363=2:ON TEXT:?dhit:#:/notice $nick the dealer gets a $read c:\osprey\games\blakhit.txt
n364=2:ON TEXT:?dhit:?:/msg $nick the dealer gets a $read c:\osprey\games\blakhit.txt
n365=2:ON TEXT:?stay:?:/msg $nick the dealer flips over his card and its a $read c:\osprey\games\blakhit.txt
n366=2:ON TEXT:?stay:#:/notice $nick the dealer flips over his card and its a $read c:\osprey\games\blakhit.txt
n367=2:ON TEXT:?bust:?:/msg $nick type ?play to play again :> ff
n368=2:ON TEXT:?bust:#:/notice $nick type ?play to play again :> ff
n369=2:ON TEXT:?won:?:/msg $nick you won $50 type ?play to play again :> ff
n370=2:ON TEXT:?won:#:/notice $nick you win $50 type ?play to play again :> ff
n371=2:ON TEXT:?lost:#:/notice $nick you lost $50 type ?play to play again :> ff
n372=2:ON TEXT:?lost:?:/msg $nick you lost $50 type ?play to play again :> ff
n373=2:ON TEXT:?quit:#:/notice $nick fine dont play Have a Nice Day :> ff
n374=2:ON TEXT:?quit:?:/msg $nick fine dont play Have a Nice Day :> ff
n375=2:ON TEXT:?push:#:/notice $nick it was a push type ?play to play again :> ff
n376=2:ON TEXT:?push:?:/msg $nick it was a push typ ?play to play again :> ff
n377=2:ff:/ruser $nick :> dd
n378=2:dd:/closemsg $nick
n379=10:ON TEXT:?blackjack:#:describe $chan type ?play to play IRC blackjack created by Aeson and Tiberius <=⌠SpReY=> 1.0 by Aeson and Tiberius
n380=#black end
n381=#slots start
n382=1:ON TEXT:?adslot:#:/describe $Chan $nick says type ?slots to PLAY IRC SLOT MACHINE by Aeson and Tiberius <=⌠SpReY=> 1.0
n383=1:ON TEXT:?slots:?:/msg $nick type ?pull to play if you get 2 out of 3 the same you win
n384=1:ON TEXT:?slots:#:/notice $nick type ?pull to play if you get 2 out of 3 the same you win